Arya's Kids

How You Can Help Arya’s Kids


Become a sponsor

Small change can make a big difference

The kind of research Arya’s Kid’s is doing cannot sponsor itself.  So we’ve created iRoundUp for Arya’s Kids. This is a program for collecting small donations by partnering with merchants and service providers. All we ask is that you round up your bill to the next dollar value. The change then goes directly to the iRoundUp account. The money is aggregated and sent to Arya’s Kids where it is put to very good use.

Our motivational slogan is, “Small change can make a big difference in the fight against cancer”. Please  email us or contact our board members for further details on how to participate. The pennies are painless and your help is priceless.


We also accept direct donations through this web site. Please be as generous as you can.


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News and Events

September 25, 2018 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Gene Therapy Helps 2 Babies Fight Type of Leukemia ...Read more
February 18, 2018 Nature- Scientific Reaserch Journal Publication The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers ...Read more
August 20, 2016 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Progress in the Treatment of Childhood Leukemia ...Read more
Sept 16, 2014 American Lung Association How is Lung Cancer Treated? ...Read more
Sept 1, 2014 ABC News Channel 13 Teen could help cure her own cancer ...Read more
February 20, 2011 Los Angeles Times Ban on bone marrow sales challenged ...Read more
September 2, 2010 iWalk to raise funds for Arya Majumder ...Read more
April 28, 2010 Arya Majumder, 11, never gave up ...Read more
February February 7, 2009 Searching for a match for Arya ...Read more

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